週二, 07 六月 2022 14:20


培訓內容 Details



Dates: 22th-27th July 2022, 6 days


Venue: Pinuyumayan Communities, Taitung City, Taitung County 

課程 Course

  • 基礎課程-全球化下的南島觀點
    Introduction - Austronesian Perspectives under Globalization

  • 基礎課程-南島民族論壇的設立與未來展望
    Introduction - Founding of Austronesian Forum and Future Outlook

  • 參訪考察-臺灣史前文化博物館
    Educational Visit - National Museum of Prehistory

  • 部落議題交流-南王部落
    Indigenous Community Issues Discussion - Puyuma Community

  • 部落議題交流-建和部落
    Indigenous Community Issues Discussion - Kasavakan Community

  • 族群及部落議題-認識卑南族與文化的保存及復振
    Ethnic Groups and Indigenous Communities Issues - Introduction to Pinuyumayan People & the Preservation and Revitalization of Pinuyumayan Culture

  • 南島民族議題工作坊-觀光發展對南島民族文化的影響
    Austronesian Workshop - The Impact of Tourism on Austronesian Peoples’ Cultures

  • 南島民族議題工作坊-南島民族文創與青年返鄉
    Austronesian Workshop - Austronesian Peoples’ Cultural Creative Industry and Youth Returning Home

  • 南島民族議題工作坊-南島民族健康與社會安全體系
    Austronesian Workshop - Healthcare and Social Security System of Austronesian Peoples

  • 南島民族議題工作坊-南島民族樂舞及影像創作
    Austronesian Workshop - Austronesian Peoples’ Music, Dance and Video Making

  • 南島民族議題工作坊-南島民族教育暨語言復振
    Austronesian Workshop - Austronesian Peoples’ Education and Language Revitalization

  • 南島民族國際青年圓桌論壇
    International Austronesian Youth Roundtable Forum

  • 國際會議參與技能
    Skills for Participating in International Meetings

  • 分組議題導論
    Introduction to Group Discussion Topics

  • 小組時間
    Group Session

  • 南島文化之夜
    Austronesian Culture Night

  • 開訓典禮
    Opening Ceremony

  • 培訓學員成果展示
    Participants Presentation

  • 綜合座談
    Panel Discussion

  • 結訓典禮
    Program Completion Ceremony

  • Young飛全球行動計畫說明及經驗交流
    Introduction to the Global Youth Action Plan and Experience Exchange



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