學務處 衛生教育組
承 辦 人:
分  機:
服務名稱: 特約醫院/醫療諮詢 Contract hospitals/Medical Consultation
學生, 教師, 職員

一、 評選優良醫療院所,提供全校師生就醫參考指南,及提昇就醫品質。
二、 提供免掛號費之優惠,減輕師生就醫負擔。
三、 關心全校師生健康,提供免費醫療諮詢服務性,讓全校師生獲得正確的醫療相關常識。
四、 特約醫院總表如附件。

一、 學校原則上每三年做一次全校性師生大調查,目前簽約特約診所(醫院)為109學年度到111學年度。
二、 請推薦目前非本校特約醫院,並說明原因,凡經查詢該合格醫療院所無違規記錄,且經二位以上師生推薦之醫療院所,本組將進行特約洽談。
三、 若要推薦請點選右上角「我想提出申請」按鍵。

一、 醫療諮詢時間:每學期開學後第二週起1、3、5中午12:30-14:30
二、 醫療諮詢地點:本校衛生教育組(活動中心一樓)
三、 醫療諮詢科別:綜合科,本學期醫療諮詢醫師為本校特約醫院,輪流支援,因此各科均有,當日科別請參閱醫療諮詢科目表。
四、 醫療諮詢內容:各專科醫師將提供其專業的醫療諮詢服務,請全校師生依個人需求提出問題,本組將為您安排專家會為您解答。
五、 醫療諮詢方式:1.面對面:先報名預約,與醫師當面進行醫療諮詢。
                          2.電話諮詢:諮詢時間內親自到衛教組,以電話方式與醫師進 行醫療諮詢。
六、 報名方式:採預約方式,以電話或E-mail方式與承辦人預約(請於諮詢前1週中午12點前)。

< Contract hospital >
1. We evaluate and select high-quality medical institutions to provide a healthcare guide for all faculty and students, enhancing the quality of medical services.
2. We offer waivers to reduce the financial burden of medical visits for faculty and students.
3. B
y providing free medical consultation services, we aim to Promote the health and ensure that faculty and students receive accurate medical knowledge.
4. For the complete list of designated hospitals, please refer to the attached document.

< New survey on Contract hospitals >
1. To provide more diverse medical services for all faculty and students, we are conducting a survey on the university’s designated hospitals.
2.We write you to recommend hospitals or clinics that are not currently designated by the university and to provide reasons for your recommendation. If the recommended medical institution has no record of violations and receives endorsements from at least two faculty members or students, we will proceed with contract negotiations.

(For newly established clinics, recommendations should be made only after one year of operation to ensure service quality.)
3. To submit a recommendation, please click the "I want to apply" button in the upper right corner.

< Medical Consultation >
1. Medical Consultation Hours:Starting from the second week of each semester, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM.
2. Consultation Location:University Health Education Office (1st floor of the Activity Center).
3. Consultation Departments:General Medicine. The consulting physicians for this semester are from the university's designated hospitals, providing rotating support. All specialties are covered; please refer to the consultation schedule for the department available on a given day.
4. Consultation Services:Specialists from various fiels will offer professional medical consultation. Faculty and students may raise their concerns based on their needs, and we will arrange for experts to provide answers.
5. Consultation Methods:
a. Face-to-Face: Register in advance for an in-person consultation with a doctor.
b. Phone Consultation: Visit the Health Education Office during consultation hours to speak with a doctor via phone.
6. Appointment Booking:Advance reservations are required. Please contact the coordinator via phone or email at least one week before the consultation by 12:00 PM.



線上, 電話詢問, 純訊息公告, E-mail申請
Contract clinics and hospitals.pdf  
The Second Semester of 113th Academic Year for Medical consultation  